The address for the CMS web-based waiver application system is This will bring you to the website’s homepage.
On the left side of the screen are helpful links and downloads to guide you through various waiver application functions. The migration protocol download is a step-by-step guide on how to enter existing, approved waivers into the web-based system.
Click on Web-based 1915(c) Waiver Application. This will take you to the Login screen.
Important Note: When navigating within the waiver application, do not use your browsers back and forward functions. Instead, use the navigational links within the application itself to browse through the application. Using the browsers navigational tools will cause an error message and will not save your application properly.
Logging InAt the Login screen enter your User Name and Password. Passwords are case sensitive. Select Log In.
Waiver Finder ScreenTo access a submitted Waiver Application select Detail, this will transfer you to the Waiver Detail Finder screen.
Waiver Detail Finder ScreenTo access a submitted Waiver Application select Detail, this will transfer you to the Waiver Detail Finder screen.
Displays basic information for each application as well as operational buttons that allow you to access the application in order to perform a variety of different functions. The buttons displayed/enabled are determined by the status of the application and also the user’s role. Some of the basic functions are described below:
Basic Page One Functions
Custom Navigational Functions
The Change Report has been revised so that it now displays fixed-width columns with column headers, the IDs of users who made changes, change dates, and the latest group of changes (based on latest version submitted) are displayed first with the rest in descending chronological order.
Access the Change Report on Page One of the application. Select Change Report. The Change Report displays the latest change made to an item in the application. It is organized by Appendices with the latest group of changes (based on latest version submitted) displayed first and the remainder in descending chronological order. Column Headers include:
Access the Change Log on Page One of the application. Select Change Log.
The Change Log accepts a range of dates. Enter the desired date range. Select Get Change Log. The Change Log shows all the changes made to the application within the selected date range. It is organized by the date in which changes were made to the application.
Note: If you select Get Change Log without entering a date range, the default display will include all change dates. The result can be very lengthy if many changes were made.
CMS View Draft FeatureThis feature allows CMS to view a draft application with the concurrence of the state. Only state users can enable this function. CMS users will be able to see the application in the finder and should select Browse Current on Page One of the application to view it and/or create a printable view. This is particularly useful when the state is making changes in the application at the request of CMS.
Version Conversion (Converting Version 3.4 to Version 3.5)This feature allows the state to convert Version 3.4 applications to Version 3.5. First, confirm the current version of your application in the top right corner of the banner. If application rev 34 is displaying, you can convert to version 3.5.
Select the Update Revision button on Page One. Select the Change button in the Revision Change screen. The application will redirect to Page One. Check the top right corner of the page that the application has converted to version 3.5 properly.
This component permits the state to provide a brief description of the waivers goals, objectives, organization and service delivery methods. It also contains the fundamental assurances and additional federal requirements that apply to the operation of a waiver. Some elements in this part of the 1995 standard waiver application format (e.g., target group specification) are now located in other parts of the application.
Attachment #1 Transition Plan. If a new replacement waiver or a renewed waiver includes changes that will adversely affects individuals that are served by an approved waiver, then a transition plan is must be submitted with the application.
Appendix AThis appendix identifies the state agency that is responsible for the day-to-day waiver administration and operation, other contracted entities that perform waiver operational functions, and, if applicable, local/regional entities that also have waiver administrative responsibilities.
If the State does not have mechanisms currently in place to discover and remediate compliance with the respective waiver assurance, the State must provide (in item c) the timelines to design or implement methods for discovery and remediation related to the assurance that is currently non-operational. In this item, the state must provide a detailed strategy for assuring Administrative Authority, the specific timeline for implementing identified strategies, and the parties responsible for its operation.
Appendix BThis Appendix specifies the target group(s) of Medicaid beneficiaries that the waiver serves, its scope, and the processes associated with entry into the waiver.
If the State does not have mechanisms currently in place to discover and remediate compliance with the respective waiver assurance, the State must provide (in item c) the timelines to design or implement methods for discovery and remediation related to the assurance that is currently non-operational. In this item, the state must provide a detailed strategy for assuring Administrative Authority, the specific timeline for implementing identified strategies, and the parties responsible for its operation.
Appendix C specifies the services that are provided in the waiver. Section C-1 and C-3 are combined in the on-line waiver application.
If the State does not have mechanisms currently in place to discover and remediate compliance with the respective waiver assurance, the State must provide (in item c) the timelines to design or implement methods for discovery and remediation related to the assurance that is currently non-operational. In this item, the state must provide a detailed strategy for assuring Administrative Authority, the specific timeline for implementing identified strategies, and the parties responsible for its operation.
This Appendix addresses Service plan development in Appendix D-1 and Service Plan implementation and monitoring in Appendix D-2. In the text field provided, enter the title of the Service Plan.
Instructions: The QIS must describe how the state Medicaid Agency will determine that each waiver assurance (and its associated component elements) is met. The waiver assurance and component elements are listed above. For each component element, this description must include:
If the State does not have mechanisms currently in place to discover and remediate compliance with the respective waiver assurance, the State must provide (in item c) the timelines to design or implement methods for discovery and remediation related to the assurance that is currently non-operational. In this item, the state must provide a detailed strategy for assuring Administrative Authority, the specific timeline for implementing identified strategies, and the parties responsible for its operation.
Appendix EApplicability: If the selection in Main 3-e was “Yes”, then this item will automatically be selected and this appendix must be completed.
Independence Plus: Indicate whether Independence Plus designation is requested.
Appendix F addresses how participants can request a Fair Hearing; whether there is a dispute resolution process available to appeal decisions that adversely affect the participants services; and if there is a system available for participants to register complaints about their services.
Appendix G addresses safeguards that assure the health and welfare of the participant. These safeguards include: responding to critical events or incidents, restraints and restrictive interventions, and medication management and administration.
If the State does not have mechanisms currently in place to discover and remediate compliance with the respective waiver assurance, the State must provide (in item c) the timelines to design or implement methods for discovery and remediation related to the assurance that is currently non-operational. In this item, the state must provide a detailed strategy for assuring Administrative Authority, the specific timeline for implementing identified strategies, and the parties responsible for its operation.
Appendix HHere, a state describes the mechanisms it will use to engage in systems improvement activities based upon the information it gathers from the discovery and remediation strategies described throughout the application.
Quality Improvement Strategy in Waiver Application 3.5
The initial QIS is submitted as part of the waiver application. When the waiver is renewed, an updated QIS is submitted as part of the waiver application. Modifications or updates to the QIS are submitted to CMS as part of the States Annual Report on Home and Community-Based Services Waivers (HCFA 372(S) form), required under the provisions of 42 CFR §441.302(h).
The State has been asked to provide components of a Quality Improvement Strategy (QIS) in the Appendices of the application as follows:
The process that the state will follow to assess the effectiveness of both the system improvement and the QIS and revise it as necessary and appropriate.
Planned Quality Improvements. A state may not have a fully developed QIS when the waiver application is submitted. For example, a state may not have a system to compile information about the occurrence of and response to critical incidents but may plan to design and implement such a system during the period the waiver is in effect. Or a state may plan to create a Quality Improvement Council to identify and prioritize quality improvement activities but does not expect the Council to be established prior to the effective date of the waiver renewal. When elements of the QIS are not in place in a submitted application but will be developed and implemented during the period the waiver is in effect, the QIS should include a detailed work plan with specific steps and timelines for addressing the gap(s). The work plan should describe at minimum the specific tasks to be undertaken, major milestones associated with completing each task, estimated timeline for completion, and the entity (or entities) responsible for completing the tasks.
Multiple Waivers. It may be more efficient and effective for a QIS to span multiple HCBS waivers and other related long-term care services, especially when a state operates more than one waiver that serves the same or similar waiver target groups or multiple waivers employ similar quality improvement methods. While the QIS may span multiple waivers and/or other Medicaid long-term services, it must be designed to ensure it encompasses all requirements and assurances specific to each waiver. If the QIS applies to more than one waiver, the State must be sure to stratify information for each waiver separately. Also include: (a) the control numbers for the other waivers and (b) the other Medicaid long-term services to which the QIS applies.
The Quality Improvement Strategy must describe roles and responsibilities of the parties involved in discovery, remediation, and improvement activities. In other appendices the state has described the roles and responsibilities of parties involved in discovery and remediation. In Appendix H, the description should include the roles and responsibilities of the Medicaid agency, operating agency and non-state entities (as applicable), other state agencies, participants, families and advocates, providers, and other contractors (if appropriate) in effectuating the processes in the quality improvement strategy such as collecting and analyzing individual and system-level information, determining whether the waiver requirements and assurances are met, implementing remediation, and planning system improvement activities.
The focus of Appendix H is on identifying who is involved in appraising the states performance in meeting the waiver assurances based on the results of discovery processes. The parties involved in performance appraisal may vary by assurance, depending on the nature of the assurance. The state may organize the involvement of individuals and entities in any number of ways including, but not limited to, establishing a quality improvement unit, forming quality improvement councils, and establishing standing committees. It is not necessary that the Medicaid agency directly conducts every aspect of the quality improvement strategy. However, since the QIS revolves around meeting the waiver assurances, it is necessary that the Medicaid agency be the source of the delegation of activities in the QIS, and the recipient of the monitoring, remediation and system improvement reports that pertain to meeting the assurances. The Medicaid agency must also perform its own monitoring of all delegated activities.
QIS Processes to Establish Priorities, Develop, and Assess System Improvements
The QIS must describe the processes employed to review findings from its discovery and remediation activities, to establish priorities for system improvement, and to evaluate the effectiveness of the improvements.
Compilation and Communication of Quality Improvement Information
In Appendix H, the Quality Improvement Strategy must describe how the State compiles quality improvement information and the frequency with which the State communicates this information (in report or other forms) to waiver participants, families, waiver services providers, other interested parties and the public.
Periodic Evaluation and Revision of the QIS
Describe the process to periodically evaluate and revise, as appropriate, the Quality Improvement Strategy.
Appendix IThis Appendix addresses the following financial elements of HCBS waiver operations: Financial Integrity and Accountability, Rates, Billings and Claims, Payments, Non-Federal Matching Funds, Exclusion of Medicaid Payment for Room and Board, Payment for Rent and Food Expenses of an Unrelated Live-In Caregiver, Participant Co-Payments for Waiver Services and Other Cost Sharing.
If the State does not have mechanisms currently in place to discover and remediate compliance with the respective waiver assurance, the State must provide (in item c) the timelines to design or implement methods for discovery and remediation related to the assurance that is currently non-operational. In this item, the state must provide a detailed strategy for assuring Administrative Authority, the specific timeline for implementing identified strategies, and the parties responsible for its operation.
In this Appendix the state has to demonstrate to CMS that the waiver is cost neutral for each year that the waiver is in effect. Appendix J-1 provides a composite overview of the demonstration that the waiver is cost neutral. Appendix J-2 contains the basis of the estimates of the factors that make up the cost neutrality demonstration.