Technology Guides

Zoom Screen Sharing Options, Features and Troubleshooting Tips

Zoom Audio and Video Options, Features and Troubleshooting Tips

Frequently Asked Questions

What do I need to participate in a remote judicial proceeding with the Maryland trial courts?

The court shall provide adequate notice to the parties and ensure that the parties are able to participate remotely.

Can interpretation services be used in a remote proceeding?

Yes, court interpreters can participate in a remote proceeding.

Are remote proceedings recorded?

Proceedings conducted via videoconferencing technology must be recorded by the court, except for those hearings that are not required to be recorded, such as pretrial settlement conferences. The required recording must be sufficient to produce a verbatim written transcript as if the hearing were held in person in the courtroom.

Pursuant to Rule 16-208:
No electronic device may be used to receive, transmit, or record sound, visual images, data, or other information. An individual who willfully violates this Rule or any reasonable limitation imposed by the local administrative judge or the presiding judge may be found in contempt of court and sanctioned in accordance with the Rules in Title 16, Chapter 200.

I lost connection and dropped out of the remote hearing. How do I get back in?

Follow the same instructions that you used to join originally.

I joined the hearing on time, but I don't hear anything. Did I do something wrong?

Participants will remain in a virtual waiting room until the hearing begins.

My hearing is scheduled for a specific time, but what time should I really call?

You should always join the conference by the scheduled start time. You can join up to 15 minutes early to ensure that you can remotely participate.

I'm having issues and this FAQ page isn't answering my question. Now what?

The court where the hearing is being scheduled should be contacted for more information regarding issues with participation in a remote hearing.

Trial Courts Dockets

Allegany County