EndNote Library Guide


Now that EndNote is set-up, it's time to start adding your references. There are two methods for adding references to EndNote: Import or Manual. Importing references is the preferred method as it is quick, easy, and less prone to mistakes. However, there will be times when a reference has to be added Manually - print books, video transcripts, email correspondence, etc. The instructions for adding references to EndNote by both methods are available below.

How to Add References to EndNote Video

Adding References to EndNote

Importing References

Importing is the recommended method for adding references to the EndNote Library. This method allows users to download a specialized file-type that imports references into EndNote in the proper format. The Import method also allows users to 'batch' import large numbers of references at one time.

How to Import References
PubMed Tutorial

  1. Make sure the EndNote Library where you want to add the selected references is open.
  2. Go to PubMed (or any database that allows citation exports) and perform your search as usual.
  3. Once you have found the references you wish to import:
If EndNote does not automatically import the downloaded Reference File.

Quick Tip
References can be imported to EndNote from different databases and search engines such as Web of Science or Google Scholar. Look for a reference/citation export option for the desired reference and select EndNote as the receiving citation manager. If you are asked to select an export file type instead of a citation manager, choose: .nbib, .enw or .ris.

Adding References Manually

References can be manually added to an EndNote Library by the user. However, this method of adding references is not recommended since it is labor-intensive and prone to formatting errors. References can be manually added to EndNote if there is no way to import the desired reference; i.e. referencing a chapter in a print book, emailed correspondence, a video transcript, etc.

How to Create a Manual Reference

  1. Make sure that the EndNote Library where you want to add the reference is open.
  2. Go to the top Menu bar in EndNote:

Select References/New References

  1. In the New Reference dialogue box:

Manual Reference Types and Fields

  1. Once all of the information has been entered click on Save, then close the reference dialogue box.
  2. The new reference should now be available under All References in your EndNote Library.

Quick Tip
Due to how EndNote processes the content in the Reference Fields to create JAMA-style citations, there may be citation formatting issues with manually entered references. Please see the Editing References box on the Advanced EndNote Tips & Tricks page on this guide for further information. If you are still experiencing formatting issues with a manually entered citation, please contact your Personal Librarian or the Health Sciences Library for assistance.